#CopChat – Wednesday September 17, 2014 – Topic

Wednesday night, 9PM ET / 6PM PT

Wednesday night, 9PM ET / 6PM PT


Are they good for anything at all?

Are there any redeeming quality to them that be properly explained by anyone?

That depends greatly on which side of the legal fence you choose to sit on. Ask any police officer to come up with any benefits and you’ll hear nothing, except maybe;

In Florida, like many areas,  right now there’s a lot of debate about medical marijuana being legalized while in other jurisdictions it’s not just medical marijuana but getting rid of possession as an offence altogether or at least de-criminalizing it.

Medical professionals, pro-drug advocates and businesses, lawyers have all weighed in and for the most part, the police and law enforcement have been waiting to see what the results would be through governments.

Funny thing though, police deal with drugs on a daily basis. Who would be better to really talk about the topic then the people who really see the societal impact.

I’ll even go one step further. Our friends in the other front line emergency services. Paramedics, Fire services, nurses, doctors…they all see it. Wonder what they think about it?

The question is how and that’s part of what we’ll be looking at tonight on #CopChat.

What are the #CopChat “rules”?

There are no ‘rules’ but we want this to be a good experience for everyone so here are some ideas to help.

  2. If you have a blog, website or social channel that you want to share, please do so at the beginning…but we’ll ask that you don’t do any selling of products or services.  This chat is for discussion not sales. If you would like to sponsor a chat or promote your product, email me. ( timburrows1266@gmail.com )
  3. There is no insulting, bullying or swearing.  If someone says something that you don’t agree with, respectfully say so and have a discussion.  That is what this is all about…learning and sharing.
  4. If a subject presents itself that you may have written a piece for feel free to share at the end of the chat using the hashtag. Depending on the speed of the chat it could get lost in the stream during the middle of it and you’re less likely to get clicks during the chat.
  5. If someone tweets something that you feel compelled to RT, do it! But, make it even better by adding your own flavour to it, or conversely, if you disagree, say so and provide the reason why.
  6. If someone disagrees with your position take the criticism professionally…no twitter fights.  It won’t serve anyone with any value.  Take it out of the chat and have your fight without the hashtag.  No one wants to see children fight…we want to see adults chat.
  7. Finally…no tweet longer apps.  Keep it under 140, no one wants to be clicking links to see the rest of your tweet. It will take people out of the conversation and probably get ignored anyways.
  8. Abuse – if you choose to abuse the forum you will be blocked / muted and really what will that accomplish. We are all here to learn from each other. If you don’t like the police then say so respectfully…who knows, you might have a valid point but if it’s expressed poorly, no one will ever learn from it.

How to follow along.

Naturally, the easiest way is by using the hashtag… #CopChat

Using a dashboard platform like You will want to use TweetDeck / Hootsuite / TweetChat / Twubs etc, to follow the #CopChat.  You may also want create streams to follow @t_burrows and who ever may be co-hosting. Make sure you watch your own mentions stream so you don’t miss anything someone says to you.



About Tim Burrows

Tim Burrows was a sworn police officer for 25 years with experience in front line operations, primary response, traffic, detective operations and supervision. He has training in a broad spectrum of policing responsibilities including, IMS, Emergency Management, computer assisted technology investigations, leadership, community policing and crisis communications. Tim is available to assist you with your social media program and communication. Click here to contact him http://bit.ly/ContactTimBurrows
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