The voice of police is so strong and so powerful that each and every officer has the opportunity to grab greatness with the things they say. But the opportunity is so often lost because we don’t want to rock the boat or stand-up and be seen. So often, we say what is easy, simple or it’s so vanilla that it has no value what so ever. And often, it can just be the wrong thing to say.
“If you’re not upsetting anyone you’re not changing the status quo” – Seth Godin
Not into quotes by social media icons, then here is one that goes back a little further….”You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
The problem with challenging the status quo is you can be seen as a trouble maker, a malcontent or a hater! Generally, the last one is the one that we see most often is social. You are a hater because you disagree with what someone says? Come one…give me a break. Oh, unless you spank someone really badly with your thoughts, then you are a bully. Don’t get me wrong, I hate bullies, but I hate people who pull the bully or hater cards even more when it isn’t justified.
The one thing I hate even more than both of those though is the people who sit on their hands when they see something that they should stand up and smack down, but they choose not to for fear of rocking the boat. Have you ever been on a rocking boat? It is a BLAST!! It is a lot of fun and is really exciting! Rock the freakin’ boat…it’s a good thing to do. Just don’t sink the ship.
You want to make something better? When you see something that is broken, change it.
By the way…the second quote, Sir Winston Churchill.