Is Improving Police an Impossible Task?.
Here is a very interesting article from a former Chief. What are your thoughts on this?
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About Tim Burrows
Tim Burrows was a sworn police officer for 25 years with experience in front line operations, primary response, traffic, detective operations and supervision. He has training in a broad spectrum of policing responsibilities including, IMS, Emergency Management, computer assisted technology investigations, leadership, community policing and crisis communications. Tim is available to assist you with your social media program and communication. Click here to contact him
The former Chief raises several important specific issues, each worthy of debate in their own right. However, the title of the article questions a broader perspective than any of those issues. Improving police is not an impossible task, but it is an unending task. Police are given special powers over individuals, for the common good. Most police, like any other agency or agent, naturally develop a belief that the more power and resources they can achieve, the better off society will be. And as culture and technology evolve, will often claim the expertise in the new uses of that power. Citizens, the media, and Courts thereby need to constantly provide a ‘second opinion’. This ongoing tension is disconcerting to all involved, but healthy and needed in order to maintain the successful country we live in.