Distracted Driving Fines to jump to $280 dollars!!
Oh be still my beating heart!!! The cost for putting lives at unnecessary risk for the convenience of “staying connected” will be $125 more than when the law was introduced. That is some serious inflation! Hang onto your wallets come March 18 folks.
I am sure this will change the behaviour of so many Ontario drivers that have learned how to hide their device, steer with their knees, text with one hand and many other creative ways to ensure they stay connected for that small period of time that they are driving. I mean, an extra $125 on the fine…people on mass will be saying, “Nope, it’s just not worth it anymore.” (Please see the sarcasm dripping from the corner of my mouth)
I truly do believe that this is a great step forward. Anything that adds to road safety is a benefit to all of us, but why stop at increasing the fine? Did you know that the minimum fine for driving without insurance is $5000? Do you know that there are still people who do that? Sit in a court room sometime and listen to the fines that the courts impose for that offence. $5000??? Not likely. So why will this be any different? People will tell the judge how sorry they are, that they only did it this one time and they have learned their lesson and the fine will be reduced…substantially in most cases.
As a friend pointed out on Facebook where I put this post originally, the fine itself is a cost of doing business for some people. Sales, real estate, brokers?? Do you think $280 bucks is worth the risk vs several thousands of dollars in gains? Of course it is. Do you think the wealthy people are really impacted by an extra $125 fine? Not nearly as bad as a low-income person…but isn’t the risk the EXACT same to both?
So let’s make it something that can’t be argued away…ADD POINTS TO THE FINE!! When did seatbelt compliance really take a noticeable turn for the positive? It wasn’t a fine increase…it was the addition of points to the fine.
Make it an offence to not have at least one hand on the wheel at all times when driving. No more BigMac and Whopper eating while driving. A coffee will still be ok as will a french fry or two, but the big meals behind the big wheel will be out.
Perhaps the government could see a financial gain in all of this. Add a new condition to the driver’s licence. Perhaps a new endorsement that signifies you have taken an advanced driving course and you are allowed to now drive and use a blue tooth device. Most people who have taken an advanced course realize how bad they are at basic driving and recognize a real driver focuses at the driving task…no others. You pay private driving schools for the course, then take your certificate to Service Ontario and pay a couple hundred bucks and voila, you are allowed to talk on the phone.
Make a driving education course that you can take online or in person to reduce your fine or remove demerit points after a charge. You get the benefit of a more educated driving core and make some money on it as well. Private licensed industry could offer the government designed / approved program. Take a look at Florida…they do it.
Why can’t you text at a red light? Simple…attention loss. Traffic (pedestrian, cyclist, other cars/trucks) change continuously. If you have your head buried in your lap you lose those changes. Then the car behind you honks…you look up, see your light green and hit the gas. What you missed is the cyclist or pedestrian right in front of you and bang!
Road safety is every one’s responsibility, so do your part and remember great drivers just drive.
Full article that accompanied the photo above. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/distracted-driving-fines-in-ontario-jump-to-280-1.2550396