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Tag Archives: privacy
Social Media and Freedom of Speech
Policies, procedures, guidelines and training all attempt to help and guide a law enforcement officer’s decision-making and set the boundaries for what should and shouldn’t be done. But, is that enough? Common sense should be the real guide in some … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Reputation Management, Tips
Tagged facebook, first amendment, law enforcement social media, police, privacy
You ARE Being Watched
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe in cover ups that involve thousands of people because as we all know, a secret kept between 2 people is a challenge…kept by hundreds or more? Not a chance. So when … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Privacy, Uncategorized
Tagged anonymous, eric b delisle, icloak, internet, kickstarter, privacy, safety, security, tim burrows, wifi
Photo Tagging and more with Twitter
Twitter announced today on their blog that they will start to roll out a couple of new features. 1.) Tagging Photos 2.) Adding up to 4 photos in one Tweet In the world of visual content this is a move that … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Tips
Tagged photo tagging, privacy, twitter, twitter notifications, twitter settings
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You can’t judge a blog post by the title
I read a recent blog post because of the title… “Police Brutality” The title alone is what grabbed my attention. Being a police officer I am always on the look out for stories that may damage the reputation of the … Continue reading
Privacy is dead
The question no longer is whether privacy is dead or not. The answer to that is; Yes, privacy is dead. No big surprise there anyone and if you think there is still privacy, sorry to give you the shock of … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Reputation Management
Tagged police, privacy, social media for law enforcement