I’ve asked Patrice if I could re-produce the list here and he very graciously agreed so, here it is. But, please do me a favour and take a minute to visit Patrice and see the history of the list, the explanation of each person/site. (Links in the post below for everyone).
You can follow Patrice on Twitter, Google+, Facebook and of course subscribe to his blog!
Here is his #SMEM top 25 in it’s entirety!
THE TOP 3: best in #smem … the big reveal
- how you establish a true link with your audiences
- what PIOs need to be prepared in the era of social convergence
- how social media and emerging technologies impact national response and preparedness programs
The blogs penned by Gerald Baron (AKA the crisisblogger) tops my list of the 25 most important destinations online for social media in emergency management. As I mentioned earlier in my list, Gerald writes a blog for Emergency Management Magazine in addition to his own personal blog. His writings clearly illustrate the impact that social media have on crises and how perceptions are shaped. That’s the bread and butter of crisis communicators.
Now, undertaking a new challenge as head of his firm (Agincourt Strategies), Gerald is positioning himself as one of the most respected face in the world of crisis communications. A world that’s forever changed because of the imperatives brought by social media. He explains what it means for organizations, businesses, government, journalists and the public:
Because of his experiences in large-scale emergencies (think BP Gulf spill), his creation of the PIER System and his work with some of the most important businesses and organizations involved in emergency response, Gerald’s words carry a lot of weight. You can follow him on twitter as @gbaron.
I know i’m constantly learning when I read his posts and those of Jim Garrow and Kim Stephens.
So this brings me to the end of my little holiday project and while it was lots of fun, it was also time consuming … so, some time off from this blog for a few days ! And for those who think this was just about promoting the work of friends, a sort of “mutual adoration society” … well, I call ’em as I see ’em … The people and organizations on my list matter to me … and that’s all I ever wanted to show …
Many, many thanks to those who’ve responded to my posts and also to Kim and Jim for agreeing to come up with their own list … the variety of choices is testimony to the excellent work done all over the world in integrating SM into EM programs.
Best wishes to you all!
the complete list:
#1: Gerald Baron … the crisisblogger … as close to a guru as I’ve got …
#2: Kim Stephens, the idisaster 2.0 blog … brilliant smem analysis …
#3: Jim Garrows’ the face of the matter blog … the Philly SMEM stalwart …
#4: PTSC-Online … a Canadian EM professional development tool
#5: Linkedin Groups … groups on EM and SM on LinkedIn
#6: Craig Fugate and FEMA
#7: the SocialMedia Examiner website
#8: Emergency Management Magazine
#9: Chief Bill Boyd’s blog: It’s not my emergency!
#10: SM4EM. org and Cheryl Bledsoe
#11: Jeff Phillips, Los Ranchos EM
#12: Sgt Tim Burrows, Constable Scott Mills and the Toronto Police Service
#13: the weekly #smemchat
#14: 999 Social Media
#15: Brian Humphrey … a true pionneer
#16: ushahidi … witnessing change and progress in SMEM
Thanks for the kind words Tim … I hope that people will take time to look at the sites and people I have listed in my efforts … some pretty illuminating practices there in the use of social media … including very good stuff from the Toronto Police Service.
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