Yes…I am a bit of a nerd-geek. NEEK…is that been used before? Did I just create a new word? Let me know will you…all credit to the creator 🙂 Ugh, I digress…back to the post
So you’ll understand my excitement when a new study came out today from Simply Measured which analyzes the Q4 use of Twitter for top brands. Download it here.
Before I was done studying the report, my Twitter stream was alive with quotes and findings from the report.
Want to make your Tweets resonate with more people which translates into more engagement and shares? Add a picture to the Tweet…pretty simple stuff and obvious. Here is something though that you may not have thought about…add a link and pic!
From the report:
“Tweets that include photos AND links receive 150% more engagement.”
150% more engagement. That is a nice metric to shoot for.
How can you do this and add value?
You’re sitting around a meeting about crime prevention and the speaker is talking about everything they are doing to reduce crime. BORING!
Then the speaker shows a slide of damage caused to a property. INTERESTING!
You then get the idea to write a post for your local newspaper or blog or email subscriber list and include the picture with the story! EXCITING!
Finally, you take the link to the article and craft a Tweet about your boring crime prevention meeting but instead of just relying on the picture in the story, you actually add the image to your Tweet as well. Link + Image = AWESOME!!!
Want more engagement? Give your audience more to look at. A picture is worth a thousand words. Oh and please include tips for your audience to protect and insulate themselves from crime. That is the value…end user value. (Not yours). EPIC!
Making it visual has always been better for most readers. Good to see you blogging, Tim.
Thanks so much. Yes, not just in blogging it seems but also in a Tweet now confirmed.
I wish I had more time to write for myself…most of my writing goes to other orgs right now.
I hear ya! I started a second blog so I can post about blogging in general. Just to keep me busy!
Good for you!!!! Nothing like being busy!
Make sure the content you add to your tweet adds value and isn’t added just to draw the eye of the reader. Seen that a few times and it’s annoying and turns the reader off. Engagement lost!
Absolutely Mike…don’t just use content to suck people in…It’s a credibility thing.