Win registration for The #LESM Conference

You Could Win Your Registration

You Could Win Your Registration

How would you like to continue to learn about the use of social media in the comfort of your own home, office or wherever you may be at the time?

The #LESM Conference is the only online training opportunity for police and law enforcement in the use of social media. It’s being presented online because we know time is your biggest and most scarce resource and money for travel and hotels is something that could be better invested in other ways.

You can win your registration which makes it even better!

We’re giving away a free registration and all you have to do is tweet about The #LESM Conference. One tweet for a $400 registration?? I know what you’re saying…count me in!

And I’m even going to make it easier for you…I’m going to provide you the tweet. Now all you have to do is click a button and you could be on your way to winning your free conference registration! Easy right?

Contest Rules:

1.) Click the “Click to Tweet” button attached to the tweet below.

2.) Ask your friends and audience to help you out by ReTweeting it.

3.) 6am Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 the contest closes and I count the totals.

4.) Who ever received the most ReTweets…wins.

5.) The winner must be an active member (sworn or civilian).

6.) Already registered? No worries we can refund your registration if you’ve already signed up and you win.

That’s it…it’s that easy!

To learn more about The #LESM Conference, visit our website and take a look at our video.

About Tim Burrows

Tim Burrows was a sworn police officer for 25 years with experience in front line operations, primary response, traffic, detective operations and supervision. He has training in a broad spectrum of policing responsibilities including, IMS, Emergency Management, computer assisted technology investigations, leadership, community policing and crisis communications. Tim is available to assist you with your social media program and communication. Click here to contact him
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