I’m sitting in the Airspace Lounge at the San Diego International Airport. This is my eighth airport in two weeks. (I love traveling but not nearly as much as love being home with my family!)
I’m taking a break from trying to catch up on emails to send you this one while drinking water with lemon and cucumber (don’t judge…it’s the water that is served here and it’s actually really good) and snacking on some sort of weird trail mix combination.
I’m not really sure how I ever came across the Bangor Maine Police Department on Facebook, but they are one of those accounts that I regularly look at because I know I’m going to see some great posts.
Like most police Facebook pages, you’ll find pictures, stories, community awareness and a great sense of humor putting it all together.
Yesterday, a post caught my eye and the very first sentence in it is pretty much sums up why I continually go back to their page again and again.
“The page has become many things. If I were to describe it I would say a community page with a focus on the Bangor Police Department.”
I LOVE THAT!! Just think about what that sentence means…a community page with a focus on the Bangor Police Department!!
Many police departments struggle with just trying to not talk about themselves, while other ones think that their community is their enemy.
The Bangor Police nail exactly why and how social should be done…it’s all about the community.
Go through their page, which you can get to by clicking here, and you’ll see what I mean. The other thing you’ll probably notice is it is severely lacking something…negative content. Even when they appeal to their community, they find a light way to do it which makes it seem a little less scary.
Oh, I just remembered how I originally found them on Facebook. THE DUCK!!! How could I forget the duck? I know that I wrote about the duck, but I can’t find where I posted…so go find the duck on their Facebook Page and while you’re there, give their page a “Like”.
I just told you about one of my favorite police Facebook accounts, now it’s your turn. Let me know about one of yours. Email me back and tell me about one you love and why!
Well, that’s all from San Diego.
Have a great one!
PS – I’m offering a free cyber safety webinar Thursday October 1st at 8:00 pm where I’m going to go over some of the hottest issues right now in online safety and security. Feel free to let your fans know about it to learn how they can help to protect themselves.
Just share this link and they can register… http://www.onlinemeetingnow.com/register/?id=tkgw0m5bjv