Somehow I agreed to committing myself to writing 30 blog posts in 30 days. I write for a few different blogs including this one, but never have I even thought of writing that much. I’ve written four posts in one day, but that was so I didn’t have to write again for a month!!
That’s the first problem…30 posts in 30 days.
The second problem. Not writing CRAP! (Consistently Repulsive Annoying Posts). I have always thought that if I couldn’t write something decent I wouldn’t write anything at all. Well, thinking back, I don’t know if I have written consistently good posts. For all I know, I could have been writing crap all along.
30 posts in 30 days and writing good relevant information. This should be interesting.
Why would I do this? Well, I answered the call from Dave Jaffer aka @combatdavey who came up with the idea. Dave also recruited Anita Chauhan aka @Anita_Chauhan to take up the challenge and had the nerve to write about it before we could back out!
If you know anything about me, I don’t do much just for the fun of it… there is inevitably a strategy behind what I am doing. No different here. Yup, that’s right. This isn’t just a writing challenge to me nor is it just about committing to something and staying with it. Yeah, I’m really exciting… I’ve written out my strategy, goals (3) and objectives for doing this. The time is set and I’ve developed a measurable criteria for the after 30 day analysis. (This is my way of saying I know the blog post topic for day 30.)
So, here it comes. A daily post for the next 30 days. #30posts
Hi Tim,
It is an interesting thought. Pro Blogger did an Ebook called how to build a better blog in 30 days. You might want to check that out.
It is an interesting challenge and one that is really tough to do. It is even more tough when you blog on a couple of blogs and do the odd guest post. Toss social media, life in and work and it becomes tougher.
I usually try to blog 4 to 5 times a week on my business site. That works for me. Never taking a day off for me does not work as I tend to post when I am in the creative mood. Topics are never the issue always lots to blog about.
Notice how I use words post and blog. That is because all blogs to not have to be written words. I often do videos as well.
Good luck with a post every day,
Thanks Rob. Appreciate the tips.
I figured there may be a few video and picture blogs in the mix.
No cheating, Tim. 🙂
Wouldn’t think about it!!