#CopChat – Back From Christmas Break

Welcome to 2015 everyone!

I hope you had an excellent Christmas Break and have had nothing short of an awesome New Year.

We know that some families weren’t so fortunate and for those that lost loved ones, we hold the thoughts of their families and friends close to us while we pray for them in memory of the lives they lived and the service they gave.

#CopChat tonight will reflect on the aftermath of the events that occurred, most notably in New York with the killing of the officers which was directly linked to the civil unrest that is being experienced in many cities and the hatred being heaped on our police.

We will also talk about the reaction of the New York City Mayor and the police officers who turned their backs on him three times.

I hope you’ll join us on Twitter at 9pm eastern time as we look at these tough issues.

Wednesday Nights, 9pm ET  on Twitter

Wednesday Nights, 9pm ET on Twitter


About Tim Burrows

Tim Burrows was a sworn police officer for 25 years with experience in front line operations, primary response, traffic, detective operations and supervision. He has training in a broad spectrum of policing responsibilities including, IMS, Emergency Management, computer assisted technology investigations, leadership, community policing and crisis communications. Tim is available to assist you with your social media program and communication. Click here to contact him http://bit.ly/ContactTimBurrows
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