You have to measure your social media investment to find out if it is really worth it or not, or at the very least, determine if there is something that you can do better to improve on your return. For the business world you’re going to use the “sciency” tools to figure this all out. Math, algorithms, click-throughs, sales, likes, followers, exposure, reach… all great tools to figure out that magical ROI.
But what about a market place where there is no ROI? How do you measure a business model with no physical sales, no tangible products and no revenue?
Well, if everything the experts say about social media is true, then the measurement you are seeking is the measurement of human interaction. If social is truly about people and conversations, then what you should be measuring is the human connection. And I’m sorry, but for all you math and science majors, you just can’t put a number or scale humans being good humans to each other.
That kind of measurement goes way deeper and is far or complex than an algorithm.
Measure this….