So part 1 of this Fantastic Friday is to Dave for helping light a fire under my time line to get me focused. (By the way, this is 7 posts in 7 days). Also to Anita_Chauhan dawndoth saracampbell76 who are also in the #30posts challenge. Congratulations to you all for giving it a go!
Part 2 of this Fantastic Friday post is to an ideal that is seen in two people. It’s more than just a couple of people though. It’s a mission, a movement, a better way of doing things that we don’t always appreciate enough and why I started writing a Fantastic Friday post series…
Kevin Curwick, a 17-year-old senior who’s the football captain at Osseo High School in Minnesota got tired of seeing the bullying and negative attitude in people and in his own way decided to combat the bullies by giving the world the opposite attack method. Kevin anonymously started @OsseoNiceThings on Twitter.
Once the movement spread and the media got wind of what was happening Kevin revealed his identity and the reasons that he started the campaign. Kevin says that he has never been the target of bullies, but what he was seeing happening to other people, “just hit me the wrong way.” So he’s done something about it…
Kevin, way to go! Read a great story about Kevin here.
Keeping in line with the same idea, here is another example.
In an article from the Huffington Post, UK edition, @ThPositiveTroll is described this way;
“Positive Troll hasn’t been tweeting long – but he/she is already delighting us with his/her positive take on life, which often take the form of tweets to celebrities – and mere mortals – as well as the occasional pep talk to us all.
You can turn and look anywhere on the Internet now-a-days and find plenty of negative stuff everywhere. I love seeing the positive that comes around. I applaud these people for what they (and many, many others ) are doing.
Have a great weekend everyone and #BeGreat!!