I guess JetBlue Airlines must have done something pretty horrible to face these kinds of accusations. Lately, these kinds of attacks are reserved for only police officers. What in the world could an airline do to deserve this?
Oh, they are supporting the police. They are facing criticism over their decision to fly police officers on their travel routes to New York City for free to attend the funerals of PO Ramos and PO Liu.
For anyone who doesn’t know, this kind of good deed isn’t new for JetBlue. JetBlue is the type of company that does a lot of community good under a corporate banner.
In light of all the negative that people are trying to convey about JetBlue right now…here is what I think should happen.
Everyone that has air travel plans in the future should consider using JetBlue if their routes support it and the schedule allows for it, then make it happen. Normally companies can find lots of ways to shoot themselves in the foot and lose consumer support. Here’s a company that is doing lots right that should be rewarded for ti.
This isn’t the first time that I have done a post about how much I like JetBlue…I did this after the first time I ever flew with JetBlue.