Social Media Safety Considerations

Protecting yourself in regards to safety issues starts with knowledge…best step is to know your platforms and issues that may creep up. This post from the International Association of Chiefs of Police gives some good tips in this regard. Take a read!

About Tim Burrows

Tim Burrows was a sworn police officer for 25 years with experience in front line operations, primary response, traffic, detective operations and supervision. He has training in a broad spectrum of policing responsibilities including, IMS, Emergency Management, computer assisted technology investigations, leadership, community policing and crisis communications. Tim is available to assist you with your social media program and communication. Click here to contact him
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One Response to Social Media Safety Considerations

  1. Also stress factors, sometimes it’s good to take a break from SM (I actually killed my accounts for 3 days and feel great) – SM, which can often resemble a battleground, a zoo, or any number of uncomfortable places you wouldn’t normally insert yourself into should be backed away from when it becomes a distraction or causes a negative impact in your life – but back to stress factors. On social media you’re opening yourself up to instant global contact and a sort of bare naked exposure to people of all backgrounds which should and could present a sense of discomfort. Once you engage with people from all over, you’ve inserted and asserted your position rigidly into the unknown, which leaves you open to backlash. What can be said about this backlash is (real or not) that 99% of it is mental i.e. fear, watch this: Leaving the very real 1% possibility of an actual backlash in the form of negative feedback, a cyber or physical attack against you. The second stress related SM stress factor is a result of the sheer amount of issues that fly around SM, (if you take even a second to divulge into them) can present an astronomical problem solving task to a concerned person – the best advice offered to combat this is to reduce expose by selecting who and what to follow and by picking and choosing your battles. This is the short version of what I just learned by actually deleting (for 3 days) and reinstating all of my social accounts across the social media-sphere – Take it with a grain and good luck people 🙂

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