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Tag Archives: anonymous
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I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don’t believe in cover ups that involve thousands of people because as we all know, a secret kept between 2 people is a challenge…kept by hundreds or more? Not a chance. So when … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Privacy, Uncategorized
Tagged anonymous, eric b delisle, icloak, internet, kickstarter, privacy, safety, security, tim burrows, wifi
You know you’ve scared people when…
A few months ago, #CopChat made its debut on Twitter. Every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern Time, since the inaugural Twitter chat, there has been a steady growth of community and police taking part with Christa Miller and myself. The … Continue reading
Sarcasm and Social Media…case study video
I’ve been told that I’m a pretty sarcastic person. In fact, I will readily admit that those who have said it are right on, I am. (I have a couple of shirts that even warn people I’m sarcastic and my … Continue reading