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Tag Archives: reputation management
Police and The Higher Standard
Two news articles caught my attention today because they both point directly to the heart of the police being held to a higher standard. The first is a video which details a police department’s search for a suspect wanted in relation … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Reputation Management
Tagged facebook, higher standard, reputation management, risk management, twitter
The real social media police policing the police
The following post is a direct copy from the Birmingham Post. Click the link if you want to see the original, but it’s the same. I am looking for your thoughts on this (mainly from police, law enforcement, community managers, … Continue reading
“Social Media is Tricky” ~ James Franco
James Franco said the above statement in an interview the other day with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan on “Live with Kelly and Michael.” He is absolutely right…but not at all for the reason that you might think. In this … Continue reading
After the Sacco storm, the calm.
It’s been a few days since Justine Sacco rocked the communications world with her rather interesting Tweet. There isn’t any sense in reposting it as it is no longer a story for the world. It has become an after thought … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Monitoring, Reputation Management, Uncategorized
Tagged communications, justine sacco, PR, reputation management, risk management, twitter
You can’t judge a blog post by the title
I read a recent blog post because of the title… “Police Brutality” The title alone is what grabbed my attention. Being a police officer I am always on the look out for stories that may damage the reputation of the … Continue reading
My Way
I love this song. Frank Sinatra’s version of “My Way.” It’s not the music or the era, but the words within the song that have stood the test of time. That have inspired and given strength. Especially this verse; For … Continue reading
Facebook Notifications… do you use them?
I took a little time off work recently which included no Blackberry while I was off. Yes, I was in heaven without it. When I returned to work, I opened my email and I was floored by the number of … Continue reading
Monitoring your presence
One of the things that everyone should be doing is monitoring their personal presence online. Regardless of whether you are on-line or not, but if you’re reading this, you’re online. Depending on what you do you should also consider monitoring … Continue reading
What will your history be
History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. ~ Sir Winston Churchill ~ Winston Churchill is one of my all time favourite people in history and sits at the top of my, “Who would you like … Continue reading
A 42+1 Social Business Screencast on Social Media with Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police
A 42+1 Social Business Screencast on Social Media with Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police. Big thanks to Robert Lavigne for having me on his inaugural broadcast for 42+1 Social Business Screencast. We used a Google+ Hangout to facilitate this.