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Monthly Archives: August 2012
The importance of strategy
Most of you who know me, will know that I don’t consider myself a tourist when it comes to being in the Orlando, Florida area. I pretty much consider myself a local. I know the areas to avoid traffic. I … Continue reading
Posted in Strategy
Tagged goals, police social media strategy, social media for law enformcement
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Fact checking… you just gotta do it!
I was looking at the Facebook the other day and saw a story that caught my eye. It was about an abduction of a child from my hometown, so naturally I was interested in what was happening and if I … Continue reading
Monitoring your presence
One of the things that everyone should be doing is monitoring their personal presence online. Regardless of whether you are on-line or not, but if you’re reading this, you’re online. Depending on what you do you should also consider monitoring … Continue reading
CopChat ep 7: Solutions
Over the last 6 weeks, #copchat has been a lot of fun, had some challenges, introduced many new faces to one another and established itself as a great way for the public and police to talk to each other with … Continue reading
What’s your voice saying
When you are representing a business or corporation of any type your voice has the potential to impact the reputation of your organization regardless what type of account you hold. There are three basic ways you are perceived by an … Continue reading
The Social Experience is what you make it
A long time ago, I was told to stop watching the news, reading newspapers and listening to talk radio. The advice came from someone who I admired and respected for their business sense and sound advice. Naturally, I posed the … Continue reading