The last few months have been like Christmas morning in the social media world with new toys being delivered to be opened and played with, shown to your friends and placed in that special spot with all your important stuff.
Then, you open the next one and lo and behold that first great toy is forgotten.
Be careful about all the excitement and jumping around. Take some time with your new toys. Get to know them. What they can do, the benefits, the draw backs the ease of use and the simplicity to your audience.
Here is what I mean….Vine and Instagram Video
Just when people were starting to get used to the Vine capabilities, Instagram jumps in and offers video on its platform. Now, people are all excited and like a puppy going off all over the place because they just can’t control themselves and cursing Vine and its 6 second, no filter simplicity.
Take a breath and think for a minute. Why not use both? Each has benefits and drawbacks. They are different, but the same.
Instagram is a Facebook platform, so guess what shows up on Facebook with ease.?
Vine is a Twitter platform, so which is easier to navigate to there?
Don’t swear one off for the other. Think about how you can work with both to maximize your exposure (pun intended). Right off the top of my head, I’m thinking if I want to make a video right now and I want the Facebook audience to see it…I’m going to Instagram it. If I want to put it on Twitter, then I going to go with Vine. If I don’t want to do the extra work and make two video’s?? Hmmm….you tell me: What’s my option?
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