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Tag Archives: police using social media
Foursquare, don’t believe everything you see.
Foursquare can be an effective resource to place in your social media tool box. It has some great functionality for our needs. Yes, you can become a mayor or get deals based on ‘checking-in’ at a location, but there really … Continue reading
The 7 Deadly Sins of Social
What do the 7 deadly sins have to do with social media? PLENTY! The difference is you commit these sins in social media you risk going to reputation purgatory…in real life, you go to, well…let’s not talk about religious beliefs here. Wrath Unless you … Continue reading
Sarcasm and Social Media…case study video
I’ve been told that I’m a pretty sarcastic person. In fact, I will readily admit that those who have said it are right on, I am. (I have a couple of shirts that even warn people I’m sarcastic and my … Continue reading
Sharing police activities on social networks
On a regular basis pop open your Twitter or Facebook stream and you’ll probably see in one form or another, a post detailing the location of police performing speed enforcement, intersection monitoring, investigation locations, etc. When it comes to those, … Continue reading
Inspired Etiquette Thoughts
I loved reading this news paper article the other day, “Don’t check me in: Etiquette in social media.” I agree with the author completely on every point she made. It’s worth looking at the importance of what she is saying … Continue reading
Ethical Use of Social Media
No matter who I’m writing for I usually have a topic in mind, write the article or post and then determine the title. Not this post…the title came first and that is actually going to present a problem. Ethics. Where … Continue reading
Direct Message Spam / Phishing Hacks
This has been a topic that has been discussed since the Internet was born. As long as there have been accounts, Internet / intranet sites and stored data, people have been hacking into them for various reasons. In the social … Continue reading
Take your time with Facebooks TimeLine
As many of you probably know by now, Timeline is here. What’s TimeLine you ask? Well, great question. Timeline is the evolution of Facebook. Your present profile will be replaced by Timeline. You can ask for it now, you can … Continue reading
How to do Social Media
Out of all the questions that one can ask about social media, this is probably the toughest one to answer. How do you do social media? Some of you may say that it isn’t a tough question. You set up … Continue reading