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Monthly Archives: September 2012
Fantastic Friday: Kris Doubledee
This weeks Fantastic Friday travels to the “centre of Canada”, Winnipeg, Manitoba. How many times have you walked or driven by a homeless person and maybe felt a little pity perhaps offered a bit of change or a smile and continued … Continue reading
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Privacy is dead
The question no longer is whether privacy is dead or not. The answer to that is; Yes, privacy is dead. No big surprise there anyone and if you think there is still privacy, sorry to give you the shock of … Continue reading
Posted in Communication, Reputation Management
Tagged police, privacy, social media for law enforcement
#CopChat Smile… you’re on camera
No one can argue the value of video in almost everything around us nowadays. You can’t turn around it seems without seeing an advisory that you are in the vicinity of surveillance cameras, see someone with a camera, emailed a … Continue reading
Posted in Communication
Tagged #copchat, police social media, social media for law enforcement, video
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The New Look Option For Your Twitter Presentation
In case you haven’t heard, Twitter did a little tweaking on the way you present yourself to the rest of the world! You can now add a header to your profile or just keep it the old way. The new … Continue reading
Posted in Branding, Tips
Tagged police social media, social media for law enforcement, twitter design
30 posts in 30 days…uh oh
Well, I fell off track with my 30 posts in 30 days. My goal was 1 post per day to meet the challenge. Truthfully, I really haven’t missed my goal. I have actually written 19 posts in 18 days, but … Continue reading
You know you’ve scared people when…
A few months ago, #CopChat made its debut on Twitter. Every Wednesday night at 9pm Eastern Time, since the inaugural Twitter chat, there has been a steady growth of community and police taking part with Christa Miller and myself. The … Continue reading
Have you ever considered “Perspective”
This morning while my son and I were eating breakfast we got talking about football (the North American kind, oblong ball, helmets, pads…you know). He asked me a question about pass coverage and how he should be set up when … Continue reading
The #CopChat topic for Wednesday September 12 is…
#CopChat this week will be looking at a specific tool for allowing for greater outreach and depth to conversations. BLOGGING!! Christa and I both enjoy the benefits of blogging both writing for ourselves and responding to other blogs. Reading what … Continue reading
September 11, 2001. I will always remember… will you?
September 11, 2001. Do you remember where you were? Do you remember what you were doing? Did you find yourself glued to a television? Were you angry? Were you sad? Can you describe the shock you felt? 11 years later… … Continue reading
Facebook Notifications… do you use them?
I took a little time off work recently which included no Blackberry while I was off. Yes, I was in heaven without it. When I returned to work, I opened my email and I was floored by the number of … Continue reading