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Category Archives: Communication
A 42+1 Social Business Screencast on Social Media with Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police
A 42+1 Social Business Screencast on Social Media with Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police. Big thanks to Robert Lavigne for having me on his inaugural broadcast for 42+1 Social Business Screencast. We used a Google+ Hangout to facilitate this.
Emergency Management without Social Media…fail
In the world of Twitter, Facebook , YouTube and everything else that demands instantaneous information sharing it is horrible to see an event occur and the only information that comes out is rumour, guesses and innuendo. Today, I watched virtually … Continue reading
Sarcasm and Social Media…case study video
I’ve been told that I’m a pretty sarcastic person. In fact, I will readily admit that those who have said it are right on, I am. (I have a couple of shirts that even warn people I’m sarcastic and my … Continue reading
Sharing police activities on social networks
On a regular basis pop open your Twitter or Facebook stream and you’ll probably see in one form or another, a post detailing the location of police performing speed enforcement, intersection monitoring, investigation locations, etc. When it comes to those, … Continue reading
Ethical Use of Social Media
No matter who I’m writing for I usually have a topic in mind, write the article or post and then determine the title. Not this post…the title came first and that is actually going to present a problem. Ethics. Where … Continue reading
I’m stealing this post!!
Ok, not really. I’m sharing this post. I read this today and I agree with it so much and support the stand in it, that RT’ing it, sharing it and hoping you all look at it isn’t enough. I really … Continue reading
Setting the record straight
I’ve veered away from the basics of social media series to focus on an interesting story that I just came across. Ogden police seek to quell online rumors about student’s death Quick notes of the above story. A 14-year-old girl … Continue reading
Engagement, communication and responding in social media
Engagement. The magic word that has led the vast majority of us turning to using social media. We will often state first and foremost that the reason we are using so media is so that we can engage with our communities. We want to open … Continue reading →
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