What’s your brand?

What comes to mind when you think of COPS?  (Cue the “Bad Boys, Bad Boys” Music)

Do you see images of your last call, your friends around the guardroom, the motors, horses or cars?  Maybe its the image of a crash scene and the jobs we do.  Perhaps, you have your own images set in the still frames of your memories that made you want to do the best job in the world.

Chances are though, if I ask that question of people outside the Law Enforcement family, the images that they see are John McClane running through the Dulles Airport or the Nakatomi Plaza.  They could be seeing Det. Alonzo Harris telling Jake Hoyt that, “God Willing…” How about the bumbling but loveable, one bullet Barney Fife or the incompetent Rosco P. Coltrain.

So what’s the difference between what we see in our minds and what the public sees in theirs?

Branding.  Plain and simple. Branding can be an image, icon, trademark or how a company/person portrays themselves in the light they wish to be seen.

Hollywood has done an amazing job of branding Law Enforcement in an image that they know will make money.  Corrupt, lawless, renegade, foolish, frenzied or impossibly heroic.  Can you imagine a gun battle like the one that took place in Heat? OK, maybe a bad example (remember the North Hollywood shoot-out).  Still, you get the point.  What happens in real life rarely gets the attention of film makers.

Social Media is a tool that allows us to take control of our own branding.  It can allow us to create the image that we want portrayed.  We have everyday stories that may not garner international media attention, but are very important to your community and your officers.  You can be building a great following within your chosen platforms of Social Media and push out great stories about what your officers are doing, the lives they are having a positive effect on and build the brand that you want to be viewed in.

Sure, you may not want to show your Detective Office in the deep and dark world of paperwork; but showing the reality of crime solving and the “real world” may give your community a greater of appreciation of what goes into catching the bad guys and making a community safer.

Sure, many of these stories that you put out might not even get your local media interest, but your community and your following sure will.  It could be a slow news day and your story does get grabbed and makes a Hero out of one of your officers.

Social Media allows you to create your own brand virtually for free. Time and personnel are your biggest investments.  When the public does or says something that goes against your brand, you could already have a message, video or article that cuts off any negative aspects and returns the thought to your choice of brand image.

There are many examples of agencies that are out there doing a great job of branding themselves and are enjoying the benefits of a strong community reputation and image that doesn’t include the Hollywood spin.

Let us know if you are, or your find an exceptional example of what we’re talking about.  I’ll give you two of my fav’s to take a look at.  Boca Raton Police – “VIPER” and the Houston Police Department’s Facebook page.

About Tim Burrows

Tim Burrows was a sworn police officer for 25 years with experience in front line operations, primary response, traffic, detective operations and supervision. He has training in a broad spectrum of policing responsibilities including, IMS, Emergency Management, computer assisted technology investigations, leadership, community policing and crisis communications. Tim is available to assist you with your social media program and communication. Click here to contact him http://bit.ly/ContactTimBurrows
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