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Tag Archives: tim burrows
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I admit it…I’m a “Pinner”. Myself and seven other males in this world have Pinterest accounts[1]. We were brave enough to join the women’s unofficial social media platform of interest. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that … Continue reading
Lost in the social space
I’ll let you in on a couple of things that are my escape. Music and movies. They show through in my most of my social feeds at one time or another. I love getting lost in a great movie and … Continue reading
You Can’t do Social Media From Behind a Desk…WRONG!
I have a laundry list of blog topics that I have been meaning to write about here but just haven’t been dedicating the time I need to do it. So for my first post in over a month, here goes. Will … Continue reading
A 42+1 Social Business Screencast on Social Media with Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police
A 42+1 Social Business Screencast on Social Media with Tim Burrows of the Toronto Police. Big thanks to Robert Lavigne for having me on his inaugural broadcast for 42+1 Social Business Screencast. We used a Google+ Hangout to facilitate this.
Foursquare, don’t believe everything you see.
Foursquare can be an effective resource to place in your social media tool box. It has some great functionality for our needs. Yes, you can become a mayor or get deals based on ‘checking-in’ at a location, but there really … Continue reading
The 7 Deadly Sins of Social
What do the 7 deadly sins have to do with social media? PLENTY! The difference is you commit these sins in social media you risk going to reputation purgatory…in real life, you go to, well…let’s not talk about religious beliefs here. Wrath Unless you … Continue reading
Sarcasm and Social Media…case study video
I’ve been told that I’m a pretty sarcastic person. In fact, I will readily admit that those who have said it are right on, I am. (I have a couple of shirts that even warn people I’m sarcastic and my … Continue reading
Engagement, communication and responding in social media
Engagement. The magic word that has led the vast majority of us turning to using social media. We will often state first and foremost that the reason we are using so media is so that we can engage with our communities. We want to open … Continue reading →
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