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Tag Archives: social media for law enformcement
Fantastic Friday
A couple of weeks ago I posed a challenge on Twitter and ended up writing about it. The idea was for a 24 hour period, you could only say positive things on Twitter. No sharing negative information, no negative thoughts…just … Continue reading
Posted in Tips
Tagged be great, fantastic friday, pay it forward, social media for law enformcement
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Police social media policy
I don’t pull any punches about this topic. When it comes to social media use by police services and law enforcement agencies I am not a huge supporter of social media policy creation. That’s not to say that I don’t … Continue reading
Manager, Moderator or Analyst…what’s your role?
I noticed something interesting when I logged into Facebook yesterday and on one of the pages I admin something new showed up…Admin Roles. This is a great and long over-due change as it recognizes that not all the people you … Continue reading
Be Great
I met today with a good friend, Trefor Munn-Venn (@TreforMV) of (Check them out). Anyways, we had a fun discussion and without spoiling the details of it the comment, “Be Great” came up. Be great. Think about that. What … Continue reading
When does help hinder?
There is no arguing that the use of social media has been a great move forward for police and law enforcement in regards to communication. Never has it been so easier for an officer or agency to send out messages … Continue reading
Pin this!
I admit it…I’m a “Pinner”. Myself and seven other males in this world have Pinterest accounts[1]. We were brave enough to join the women’s unofficial social media platform of interest. Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you know that … Continue reading
What should you respond to?
Here is a little follow-up to my last post. Trefor Munn-Venn is the President of Social Catalyst Inc. and a big believer that if you want to build a community, you have to give. You can find Trefor on Twitter or email … Continue reading
Lost in the social space
I’ll let you in on a couple of things that are my escape. Music and movies. They show through in my most of my social feeds at one time or another. I love getting lost in a great movie and … Continue reading
Engagement, communication and responding in social media
Engagement. The magic word that has led the vast majority of us turning to using social media. We will often state first and foremost that the reason we are using so media is so that we can engage with our communities. We want to open … Continue reading →
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